Android Expandable RecyclerView

Sourabh Gupta
2 min readSep 2, 2018


RecyclerView is the most used component in Android for making lists. But many of the times, we as developers find ourselves having to implement a list that actually expands smoothly. Since Android doesn’t provide any such component for smooth expand/collapse feature in list and many libraries out there makes the ViewHolder non-recyclable to achieve this functionality. I have created a sample project to demonstrate how we can achieve it without writing a lot of code and without making the ViewHolder useless. So, here is how it works.

First of all, Create a Custom View that knows how to animate to expand and collapsed state. In this case, I am making a ExpandableLinearLayout.

This is the code that animates the view smoothly.

Second, Create a modal that keeps track of the state of your views in RecyclerView.

public class ExpandModel {
private boolean expanded;

public void setExpanded(boolean expanded) {
this.expanded = expanded;

public boolean isExpanded() {
return expanded;

Finally, add this code to your Adapter and ViewHolder to make the animation work.

Now plug the Adapter into Recyclerview.

And That’s it. Now you have completely working Expandable Recycler View.

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The above sample has been deprecated. Please use below mentioned ExpanableLayout instead.

Original Sample Repo:

